A Beginner’s Guide To Birth Control Options


The different birth control options available are categories into two barrier methods. The first involves prevention of sperm cells reaching the egg, and the second allows fertilization but prevents implantation of the egg. The birth control pill is an example of the first, and the intrauterine device is an example of the second. Condoms and diaphragms are also forms of barrier birth control and are more popular. This article will provide information to birth control options.

What Are The Different Types Of Birth Control?

#1: Hormonal Birth Control

Hormonal birth control methods operate by preventing ovulation in a female. This makes the female temporarily infertile and reduces the chance of fertilization.

#2: Barrier Methods

The typical barrier birth control methods used include condoms, diaphragms and cervical caps. This works by preventing the male sperm from reaching the female’s egg.

#3: Chemical Methods

One chemical birth control method is the use of spermicide. Spermicide doesn’t act as a barrier but rather kills the sperm before it can reach the female’s egg.

#4: Intrauterine Devices

Similar to the hormonal birth control option, intrauterine devices prevent fertilization of the female’s egg. The device is implanted in the uterus and reduces any chance of pregnancy.

How Long Do You Have To Wait For Birth Control To Become Effective?

The effectiveness and time it takes to work differ according to the birth control method. Barrier methods, such as condoms and cervical caps, work immediately. However, the hormonal and chemical methods may not start working directly. Hormonal methods depend significantly on the female’s menstrual cycle, making it vital for you to remain aware of your menstruation. In some cases, women will use alternative methods for contraception during the first week of their menstrual cycle before using hormone options.

What Are The Side Effects Of Birth Control Methods?

Despite their effectiveness, birth control options do have several side effects according to the method used. The side effects will be discussed below.

#1: Birth Control Pills

The common side effects to birth control pills include weight gain, nausea and omitting, mood swings, swelling of the breasts, bleeding between menstrual cycles, a change in the menstrual flow and skin discoloration. The more severe side effects of birth control pills include blood clots, heart attacks and strokes. It is recommended that you speak with your doctor before using this method. One should also note that smoking can result in side effects and should be avoided when using birth control pills.

#2: The Barrier Methods

As is mentioned above, barrier birth control methods eliminate the act of egg fertilization by the male sperm. This is due to the prevention of contact between the egg and sperm. Unfortunately, they also present with some side effects. For instance, people may have allergic reactions to condoms or spermicide; therefore, resulting in genital infections or swelling. Urinary tract infections can occur if using a diaphragm or cervical cap. Finally, if a female leaves a cervical cap or diaphragm in place for over 24 hours, there is a risk of toxic shock syndrome.

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